Tuesday 8 May 2012

Assignment 1 poster illustration

I made my first illustration of my first Patriotism poster.

the images below is how i made it using Adobe Flash CS5.

 At first, i inserted a picture of the 'Tugu Negara'.

The image then goes to the centre and enlarges.

A typography labelled Patriotism appears from the left
 and replaces the picture.

The typography then shrinks in size and rotates
 360 degrees.

It is then replaced by a picture of the Malaysian Flag
 and the first prime minister.

The picture enlarges in size.

 I used typography again to write the word
'MERDEKA' three times.

The flag image dissapears and the 'One Malaysia'
logo appears from the top to the bottom.

The 'One Malaysia' logo then appears fully.

It was my first experience using flash and i was quite excited to found out that it is quite interesting to use.
Because i was inexperienced, i used one frame at a time to do this assignment because I didn't fully
understand the use of Adobe Flash as it was my first time.

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